Behind The Scenes | Why I Offer So Many Session Types

by | Sep 14, 2024 | Boudoir, Brand Photography, Event Photography, Family Photography, Kiddos, Maternity, Motherhood, Newborn, Photography Mentoring, Sessions

Everything I do is about connection.

Every once and a while, I get questions from people about why I offer so many types of photography sessions here in Minneapolis. Many photographers and photography studios as a whole focus in on one type of session – they really niche down – and I can totally see why that would communicate that they’re an expert in their field. I mean, that’s a huge part of why they do it in the first place. Some photographers even have different studio names and separate websites for the different kinds of photography they offer to their clients, just for the purpose of marketing themselves the way they’re “supposed” to! Admittedly, there was a point where I considered doing just that.

But at the end of the day, there is one super important common thread that ties together all of the types of photography that I offer. It’s connection. Every single session that I offer, every session I shoot – they’re about connection.

Connection within your family

When I’m working with families for family photography sessions, or for newborn photography sessions – even for maternity sessions – all of those are about the love and connection between you and your favorite people. They’re about the look on your mom’s face when she holds her granddaughter. They’re about having totally ridiculous silly moments between your sons in the park during your fall mini session. Newborn sessions are about the connection with your new baby – your connection, your partners connection… all of you. And the magical web that creates your clan.

Those connections change and flex with time, and it’s so, so important to capture them at different stages. Whether your teen is in the “I’m definitely not smiling no matter how hard you try to get me to” phase, or your seven year old has just lost their two front teeth. I’m there to document how you connect. To document your love. And I think there’s something really beautiful about that.

Jessica Strobel wearing a floral apron and holding a watering can full of flowers

Connection within your business

But let’s say you’re not booking a family session, or a maternity session – let’s say you’re booking a branding and headshot photography session for your business. Those? Those are actually about connection too, it’s just a different kind. The connection we’re capturing in those sessions is between you and your collaborators, or you and your employees! And beyond that, it serves the purpose of connecting with your people. Connecting with your “why”. The big reason that you do the thing you do, and who you help through it!

In those sessions it’s my job to capture the connection and love that you have with your craft, or your calling. I know it sounds a little cliché to say it, but that’s what it is at its core. Photography for business is STILL about connection. And if it’s not… then it’s not really going to work the way you want it to when you start sharing it. Sharing images on your social media presence or your website, for example, needs to be an exercise in connecting with your future clients or customers, literally speaking. So what we create needs to be crafted just for them. So that they can CONNECT with it. See? More connection, everywhere we look!

Jessica Strobel wearing a floral apron and holding a watering can full of flowers

Connection with yourself

Believe it or not it doesn’t actually matter what kind of photography session you’re in front of my camera for, you’re going to be connecting with YOURSELF. I’d love to pretend that this category of connection only exists so I can fit boudoir photography into the framework here, but I’d be lying if I said that was true.

One of the things I love most about my job, is being able to see people as they really are. Having fun with you, helping you get comfortable in front of the camera even if you’re not someone who likes having their picture taken, or who just blatantly hates the way you look in photos. It’s my job to show you how gorgeous, and amazing you are. And that means when you get your final pictures, no matter what your session was for, you’re going to see yourself just a tiny bit differently than you did BEFORE you got those pictures. And that’s a super magical thing!

etsy listings for projection jewelry mothers day photo gifts

Connection with the community

Sometimes, the photo sessions that I shoot aren’t in my studio, or in your home, or even in one of the many Minneapolis parks that I use as locations for things like my mini sessions. They’re out in the community, documenting community events. And those? Those are the coolest connections of all! For those sessions, I’m documenting connection on a much grander scale. The moment your kiddo realized that there are people like them out there, being themselves. The amazement when we enjoy music together as a group. Even the powerful voice of a community coming together to speak up about something they believe in – those moments are about connection too. The connection between each of us as a part of a larger whole. I know I’m sounding a little cliché again, but I’m letting you see behind the scenes here, and get into my head a little bit about how I do what I do, and why. And my reasons are allowed to be a little bit cliché!

Jessica Strobel wearing a pink tulle gown in posed on a vintage sofa in natural light

See? Every single session type I photograph is about CONNECTING.

Whether I’m working out in the community documenting an event, or I’m attending your micro-wedding, or I’m taking photos of your older children with their new baby sibling – I’m going to be focused on connection. That’s why I do what I do. And it’s the purpose of every session I hold. It’s what I’m looking to capture every time I’m behind the camera, and that’s why I don’t “niche down” or focus my studio on one specific session type. I’m here, doing what I do, to capture the magical spark of connection between ALL of us. THAT’S what I’m an expert in.

And I don’t plan on changing that anytime soon! So if you’re looking for a photographer who will absolutely capture the love you have for your partner, or the connection between your children, or even the connection you have with your work family, I would love to be that photographer! Reach out, and we can talk about exactly how you want to capture that love.

Jessica Strobel holding multi-colored doughnuts over her eyes, smiling wide

Hey! I'm Jessie - 

And I'm so glad you're here!



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