Matching Your Kiddo’s Energy | Neurodivergent Kids and Photography

by | Jul 5, 2024 | Family Photography, Kiddos, Motherhood, Sessions

P.S. Just wanted to let you know that the images included in this blog post are not exclusively of families with neurodivergent kids. They are photos from family sessions generally! Neurological differences like ADHD, Autism, and other neurodivergensies aren’t visible. <3

Accommodating your Child’s Needs is My Priority

As a mom of a neurodivergent child myself, I completely understand how many extra steps are involved in basically everything. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing – neurodivergencies (like ADHD or Autism) are part of what make your magical kiddo who they are, and I know I wouldn’t change my son for the world/

But when I’m choosing things for my family to do, it’s important that I keep his needs in mind, so I know that’s important for you too. And there are some things we need to make extra accommodations for, which if you’re a mom of a neurodivergent kid, you probably do too. Especially if those things involve new places, new people, and new experiences, which can be super stressful for anyone, but EXTRA stressful for neurodivergent kids.

Photography Doesn’t Have to be Stressful for Your Family

I don’t want you to worry though, because photography doesn’t need to be on the list of stressful things your family avoids!! You deserve to have amazing portraits too, no matter what accommodations your little one(s) need(s). So whether your whole clan is somewhere on the spectrum, you yourself have ADHD, or one of your little ones experiences another neurodivergency, we can make sure you have an amazing experience with your photo session! One of my favorite ways to help with that, is called “Energy Matching”.

brothers in matching navy polo shirts during Minneapolis Fall Mini Sessions

What is Energy Matching, and Why Does it Matter?

So, if you’ve never heard of Energy Matching before, it’s pretty much what it sounds like. It’s where you pay extra attention to the context clues and behaviors that help show what someone needs, and then… you match that behavior.

And it’s something I do in almost all of my sessions, whether someone has disclosed that they need accommodations or not!

The big reason this matters, is when you’re in a new space (like a photography studio) with new people (like me!) it’s extra important for me to allow the humans I’m photographing to be themselves. And if that means that your autistic five-year-old is feeling like exploring, we’re not going to try to stop them – we’re going to let them be them. If they don’t feel like talking to me, they don’t have to. If they feel like telling me about their favorite dinosaur, we’re gonna talk about dinosaurs.
But more than that, I will match their level of energy, not just through the activity itself.

The best way to describe that part, is if they’re high energy and bouncing around and having a great time, I’m going to do that WITH them. If they’re feeling reserved, and are a little hesitant about the whole thing… I’m not going to invade their personal space, or try to force them to talk.

Over the years I’ve worked with families (and neurodivergent kiddos) I’ve learned that the best way to make sure everything is low stress for families, is letting them take the lead.

A mom hugging her two daughters during a Minneapolis Fall Mini Session

Energy Matching Works With Non-Verbal Kiddos Too!

Now, if you’re reading this and you have a non-verbal family member, you might be wondering how this applies. But that’s one of the best parts – energy matching isn’t just about listening when people say something (like “I don’t wanna”), it’s also about paying close attention to other kinds of cues. Physical cues are a huge one, and I will absolutely pay attention to your non-verbal child’s physical communication, to make sure they’re as comfortable as they possibly can be in a new space!

A mom hugging her two daughters during a Minneapolis Fall Mini Session

And if a New Space is Too Much, We Can Work in Your Home!

Now all of this being said, we can absolutely make accommodations above and beyond things like energy matching! One of the biggest ones, is actually having the session in your home. It’s a helpful way to make sure that your kids (neurodivergent or not!) are comfortable during your photo session. It’s like a home-game vs an away-game. The home players always have an advantage, you know what I mean?

Having the session somewhere your little ones (and you, too!!) are already familiar with and comfortable helps to allow them to be who they are. Then they’re just dealing with a new person, and not a new space! The same goes for taking photos somewhere out in the world that ISN’T your home, but is also a familiar space for your family. I already work in many local Minneapolis and Twin City parks and green spaces, but I’m also up for back yards, or favorite family haunts you spend time at on the weekends. Your session is about you, and about what will work for your family. So if you’re feeling like a location-accommodation would help, let me know!!

A mom hugging her two daughters during a Minneapolis Fall Mini Session

Letting You be You Helps Create Amazing Photographs in Your Family Photo Session

I talk a lot about allowing you to be you, and how being yourself is the biggest part of how I capture honest portraits. But the same thing goes for your kiddo! In my studio, and anywhere we go for your family photoshoot, your little ones are allowed to be who they are. Because after all, that’s what you’re trying to document, right?

Questions about Neurodivergent-Friendly Photography?

If you have questions about ways that I can accommodate the needs of your family… I want you to message me. I’m all about making sure that you’re comfortable, and that your session has the LEAST amount of stress possible for everyone involved, and I understand how quickly a day can go from “amazing” to “oh no” when accommodations aren’t met. Trust me, I get it.

But your family can have magical photos too, and I want to be the one to help make them happen!!

Jessica Strobel holding multi-colored doughnuts over her eyes, smiling wide

Hey! I'm Jessie - 

And I'm so glad you're here!



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