Whether you’re coming up on graduation from high school, or from college, Senior pictures (or graduation photos!) are an AMAZING way to celebrate what you’ve achieved!! I talk about this all the time, because sometimes it’s not easy to remember that celebrating yourself is super important. We’re always straight on to the next thing, because the goalpost is always moving. It’s so easy to skip over all the amazing things you’ve done because now the new goal is getting through College, or getting a job.
But it’s important to recognize that you HAVE gotten to THIS goalpost, even if there’s a new one further down the line now! And there are amazing people who have helped you get to where you are at this moment – without them, it would’ve gone differently. So if you’re celebrating, you might want to bring those people along for the ride!
Who can you bring to your senior photo session?
When it comes to the “who” involved… at the risk of being a little general… you can bring anyone to your senior session or graduation session! This list isn’t exhaustive, and honestly it might feel a little silly to get into so much detail. But there’s a method to my madness – the thing is, it’s really easy to tell ourselves that we’re inconveniencing people wanting what we want. To say “no, it’s okay, that’s too much.” So this post isn’t really about who you can bring to your senior picture session. I mean it is, practically speaking, but it’s really so much more. It’s actually about letting yourself ask for what you want. It’s about giving you permission – because you deserve for your photos to include the people you love!! It’s not “too much” and it’s not “weird”. It’s important to me, if it’s important to you!

You can bring your parents to your senior picture session
First on our list is your parents! Now, before you start thinking that bringing your parents to a senior session basically just makes it a family photoshoot… it doesn’t! When you bring your parents to a senior picture session we still focus the session around you, and what you’ve accomplished over the course of the last few years. It doesn’t mean the session is suddenly about your whole family!! All it means, is we will capture a few poses that involve the people who supported you through your journey. Unless you specify otherwise, the majority of our time together will still be centered around you!
Siblings are invited too!
When it comes to family you can bring to your senior photos, siblings are also on the list! In the same way that when parents are involved the session doesn’t magically become a family session, your senior session won’t turn into anything other than a senior session if you want to have your siblings there with you. It just adds to the celebration!

Bringing Your Bestie is Totally Okay!
You don’t have to stick to family only when it comes to inviting people to your senior picture session – you can also bring along your best friend, or best friends, plural! They’ve been your shoulder to cry on, your late-night-rant support, your homework cheerleader, and they’ve been there for you through thick and thin. And that deserves celebrating too! They were a huge part of your high school (or college!) experience. So it’s only fitting that they’re a part of the celebration!
Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Partner/Spouse Can Come to Your Senior Session
Okay so remember here I’m not just talking about High School Senior pictures, I’m also talking about college graduation pictures! And graduation from further degrees, too. But whether you’re graduating from high school at 18 and you want your boyfriend/girlfriend included in your pictures, or you’re getting your Masters at 32 and want your spouse involved in the session, you can bring your significant other with you! Speaking of being 32… if you have kiddos you want involved in the fun, you are also MORE than welcome to bring them. After all, the people around you and in your household have supported you through your education (whether that’s the guy you went to two homecoming dances with, or the husband who made sure dinner was on the table while you were stuck in the books every evening.)
Finally, don’t forget your Favorite Fluffy Family Members!
Pets are last on the list here because they’re actually the most common family members who end up included in senior sessions! People are much more likely to involve their dog in their session than they are to ask their Mom to come. I’m not going to comment on that too much, as a Mom myself… but I did want to say that it is TOTALLY cool to ask about bringing your dog with you to your session! If you do want your furry bestie to come with you, we can talk about what that means for locations available for your senior photo session.

Make sure your photographer is okay with people joining you!
Now of course, I also know that you might not be working with me specifically for your senior session. It’s important to note that not all photographers are quite as cool about bringing other people or pets to your session with you. Some photographers have limitations around who can be involved in a session, or they have rules about including pets – so my best advice? If you’ve decided you want to bring someone other than yourself to your senior picture session, make sure you ask your photographer! Talk them through what you want to accomplish in the session. And if it’s a priority to have your favorite people involved, make sure you work with a photographer who will help you to make that happen!
I personally would be honored to help you celebrate this time in your life, whether you’re graduating with your high school diploma, or finalizing your doctorate. Every educational journey is different, but all of them require the support of amazing people around you! So let’s celebrate you – and also everyone who helped you get to the end of this massive accomplishment.