Minneapolis Event Photography: How to use your Minneapolis Business Event Photos

by | Aug 27, 2024 | Brand Photography, Business, Event Photography, Sessions

So you booked a photographer for your business event…

Congrats!! That’s the first step. Whether you’re looking for images of an internal event, or an external event, capturing the day that you and your employees have together is super important not just for them, but for your bottom line. You might be wondering though, once you have your package of images… what’s the best way to use them?

As always, I’ve got an answer for you.

Without spoiling too much, I’ve got to start by saying, that answer? It’s “everything”. You should do EVERYTHING with your Minneapolis event photos!!

But what does “everything” translate to? Let’s talk through it!

Social Media Posting

We’re going to cover the more obvious uses for your event photos first, so the absolute first one is social media! Of course, you can have someone from your team posting stories while the event is going on, and pulling together some impromptu footage for things like reels. But being able to post about your event after the fact with professional level images really takes things to a new place! It shows your people that you value their experiences enough to share them with the world (when it comes to internal employees seeing them) but also communicates things like your values to your customer base. There’s no going wrong with sharing about your corporate events!

grey haired woman standing in the light of a window during a unique branding session

Your Website

Another super obvious answer to this question is that you can use the images on your website! It’s not just about hero images on your pages, or the page where you discuss your company’s charitable giving, though. Images from your event can inspire blog posts for your writing team, and help bring connection to your website overall. Again, this is a winner where you can’t go wrong! The more you connect with your ideal clients/customers, and the more you show them your company values, the easier it is to bring in new clients. You already know this, obviously, but it’s relevant, so might as well throw in the reminder!

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Promoting Future Events

Images from your Minneapolis Event Photography package can also be passed on to your design team, to help with promotion for future events, and even in recruitment materials. Some of this would be done via the social media and website avenues that we’ve already discussed, but print advertizing is also an option here! With images from your event, you can make leaflets, pamphlets, posters and more for the next iteration of the event (or another event entirely!) look fully branded, fun, and engaging. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, business is about connection. And there’s nothing that brings more connection than seeing someone enjoying themselves on your promotional materials!

Internal Documentation

The photos from your event aren’t just about external promotion though, they can also be used in recruitment materials and internal documentation. Think “HR presentations” – or ANY presentation! They can augment materials you use internally about charitable giving, if that’s the kind of event we’re documenting, or even be included on the invite to next year’s version of the event! They’re even a great addition to your internal documents like employee handbooks, even if those are actually webpages for your company as opposed to being a printed document.

Your event also gives an opportunity for images that could be printed for your office space – reminders about the cool things you do together as a team are motivating, inspiring, and of course… they’re another means of connection. And connection is key!

Employee Gifts

This one might sound outside the box, but follow me here! There are about a million ways you can turn images into gifts, whether it’s taking an image of your team and having it laser engraved on little keychains, or including your employee’s image from the event on a plaque commemorating an award they were given in the office for everyone to see! You can really get creative here, and do something your people will love.

newborn baby boy on white rug wearing white wrap holding moms hand

If you included headshots in your package, there’s even more!

When you book corporate event photography with Jessica Strobel Photography, you can include a headshot package in your day! And if you do that, there are even more things you can do with the images we capture at your event. Everything from updating the images in your employee register, to new photos for everyone’s IDs! Anywhere you’d use a headshot… you can use the ones we’d capture during your Minneapolis event.

Event Photography Moves the Needle

If you know anything about me as a professional, you should know that I don’t recommend businesses do anything that doesn’t move the needle. I offer branding and headshot photography because that’s what it does! And it’s the same reason I offer event photography to businesses. It helps. So if you’re looking for a photographer for your upcoming business event, whether it’s a gala, or an award ceremony, or an event for charitable giving – let’s talk! I want to help document your values, so you can share them with the world!

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Jessica Strobel holding multi-colored doughnuts over her eyes, smiling wide

Hey! I'm Jessie - 

And I'm so glad you're here!



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