Summer Art Prints | Bringing Summer Into Your Home Decor

by | Jan 24, 2025 | Brand Photography, Business

So it’s still cold out, and let’s be honest… you might still have your tree up

So it’s January, everything is buried in snow (at least here in Minneapolis, that is!), and it’s a brand new year! I totally get it if you still have your tree up, no shade from me. Mine is down, but that’s just because I got a big burst of energy, it’s a whole story. But anyway, like I said, it’s time for a new year, and part of that new year means doing all the spring cleaning things, and getting your space ready for brand new memories!

Now, that kind of cleaning doesn’t necessarily NEED to include buying new things, but, it could definitely include a little handful, and today we’re going to talk about why!

two men clinking blue and green Nokomis Energy travel mugs together

We need some sunshine in these darker months!

It’s well known that the darker months of the year impact our mental health, in a whole variety of ways! We feel more like nesting, want to stay cozy in our own spaces, and curl up with a good book, or binge some Netflix.

But… we all know winter won’t be here forever, and how we decorate our spaces intentionally can help make these winter months feel less cold! If you’ve been to my studio, you know I’m a little… maximal… with my decorating style. I love bright, I love vibrant, and I LOVE fun. And I think spending time in spaces with a little bit of that fun helps us all keep positive when the sun isn’t giving us the vitamin D we need on the daily.

Using Answer the Public to find blog post inspiration

Brightening up your space is ALWAYS a good idea!

To be fair, by the time you’re reading this, it might be June. We might be in the peak of summer, and you’re like “But Jessie, it’s super bright outside, why are you trying to convince me to add things to my house when it’s already full of sunshine??”

Well, lots of reasons. One of which being, you can NEVER have too much sunshine in your space! That’s the whole point of maximalist decorating, it’s about surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy. And there’s nothing that brings more joy into a space than vibrant, gorgeous flowers, all year round!

newborn baby boy on white rug wearing white wrap holding moms hand

Minimalism is overrated

I know we’ve gone through a whole phase as a society of minimal design in our homes, and of purging all kinds of things from our shelves. Marie Kondo style, asking ourselves whether one thing or another “sparks joy”. But like… I’m a neurodivergent human, ADHD all the way. And I don’t know about you, but the only reason I have things is because they DO spark joy! All of the art, all of the knick-knacks, make me feel at home in my spaces, surrounded by happiness.

And even though we’ve been through this phase where minimalism has been promoted and “less is more” has been the mantra of the years… I think we’re finally coming out of it! If you check out decorating trends on Pinterest, we’re now doing things like “color drenching” where all of the walls in a space (including the ceiling!) are the same color. Where dark academia spaces, and things like that are coming BACK with a vengeance.

Embrace your maximalist decorating vibes!!

So that “less is more” mindset… isn’t true for EVERYONE. Sometimes, MORE is more! And if that’s the vibe you’re leaning into for your home decor in 2025, I’ve got so many cool things for you! Whether it’s making a garden-themed gallery wall in your living room, or adding a super cool conversation piece to your home office from the New Kids on the Block series, you can add some of that maximal joy to your spaces suuuuuper easily with my art prints.

And not only that, but some of them are specifically styled to lean into 90s nostalgia, which as you know, is ALSO where we’re headed design-wise!

newborn baby boy on white rug wearing white wrap holding moms hand

There are SO MANY different prints available!

So if you’re looking at bringing a little joy into your home decor this season, look no further. I have different sizes, color palettes, and designs available to help you add some sunshine into your space, no matter what you’re decorating!

Check them all out in the shop, and get your maximalism on!!

Jessica Strobel holding multi-colored doughnuts over her eyes, smiling wide

Hey! I'm Jessie - 

And I'm so glad you're here!



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