So You’re On The Fence About Social Media Management…
Admit it, you’ve been googling – maybe that’s even how you ended up here! Because you’re tired of managing your business’ social presence all by yourself, and you know you’re not an expert in Instagram. I mean, if you were… that’s what you’d be selling, right?
You know posting in all the places takes up a ton of time, and you’re really not thrilled with having to SPEND that time, so you’re trying to decide whether switching to having someone external manage your social media posting might be worth it. I’d love to sit here and tell you it’s always the right choice – I mean, we offer it, and I want you to work with us, so that would be in my best interest. But in these series for business owners, we don’t talk about what’s in MY best interest, we talk about what’s in YOURS! So today, we’re going to talk through what you should think about BEFORE you switch to having your social media managed, and a few reasons that it might be best to keep it in your hands for a little while longer.
Your Social Media is a Powerful Client Conversion Source
Before we get into the nitty gritty, we have to lay some groundwork. You might already know this (okay, that’s an exaggeration, you definitely already know this) but your social media is a POWERFUL conversion source. It’s an amazing way to get in front of new people. Not just through a single piece of viral content, I mean, we all wish to have that ONE piece of content absolutely blow up. But that’s not where it’s at for social content as a whole – it’s about consistency. And that consistency makes your brand memorable for the people who encounter it. Which is how you get new buyers! At least, aside from other strategies like SEO for your website, or in person advertizing, which are also totally relevant!
But really what I’m saying here, is your social media absolutely CAN do work for your business. Powerful, important work.

How Are YOU Doing With Your Social Media?
Which leads us to the first thing you should be thinking about when you’re deciding whether to hire someone to manage your posting! How are YOU doing with your social media presence already? I mean, if you’ve landed here because you’re considering hiring help, it might feel like the answer is obvious. You’re overwhelmed, and you want one of two things: for YOU to have to do LESS, or for your media itself to do MORE. And both of those are totally reasonable reasons to hire someone like Jessica Strobel Photography to make your Instagram content happen!
But before you do, I want you to take an objective look at your current social media. Are you actually doing okay? Do you feel like you’re communicating everything you need to communicate? Are you regularly converting clients from your posts? If you are, combined with some of the other things we’re about to talk about, it might mean that hiring out your social content creation can wait a while. But if you’re really feeling like it could be doing MORE, or right now it’s doing… well… nothing… then it might be a sign that it’s time to bring in the experts!

Do you have enough time in the day?
I promise this isn’t a trick question, I don’t mean for you to be like “well obviously not!” in the “there’s never enough hours” kind of way.
What I mean, is how invasive is creating social content in your work week? Do you batch your content? If you DON’T batch your content, are you taking a nice chunk of time out of your day to make it? Is it getting overwhelming?
If when you were thinking that through, you were kinda like “well, honestly, I batch my posts and they don’t take me super long to do, I prep a month at a time in the first week of the month,” that’s going to feel really different from “I post every day as it comes, and really struggle to come up with content ideas in the short term.” Everyone has a different capacity for taking time out of their schedule to create these things – there is NO shame in being overwhelmed, and there’s also no shame in not batching your content. Sometimes, there just isn’t time in the day to pull a whole afternoon to prep the month’s content ahead of time.
So if you don’t feel like it’s taking too much time, maybe that’s a sign you should stick with it for a while. If it’s getting in your way (or worse, falling out of your schedule altogether!) then it might be time to talk to my team about taking over your posting.

What’s your ROI number?
The most technical component of considering whether it’s time to hire out your social media posting, is what I like to call your ROI number. Different business owners call this all kinds of different things – your “Freedom number” etc. But I like “ROI number” because… well… it’s what it says on the tin!! Now it’s not a “you’ve got to spend money to make money” kind of thing, although that’s another valid approach to deciding whether to hire a task out in your business. For this, basically, you look at how much time you’re spending on social media content right now, and then compare that to how much money you COULD be making in that time.
If you’d be making more money in that time than you’d spend to hire out the task… there ya go. Like I said, there are other ways to think about the numbers – like, how many clients would you need to book, or products would you need to sell, to get a return on the investment of hiring the task out… and is it likely that the work will result in that number of sales/clients or more? That’s a more standard way to look at it, but I personally think it’s less practical if you’re coming from a small business perspective, where capital may not be available up front or margins are really thin.
So, to sum this one up: if you will make more money doing what YOU love while someone ELSE does your social media content for you, it might be time to hire out your social media management.

Have You Found The Right Pro For You Yet?
The last reason that you might need to wait before you hire social media managers for your business, is that you haven’t found the professionals for you yet! And that’s okay. But you’re here, and if you are looking for a team that has expertise in both static content, video content, marketing, business growth, and MORE… maybe it’s actually time for US to talk about taking over your content creation!
But if you’re not really into casual vibes, or you’re looking for someone local and you’re in like Florida (sorry Floridians, we’re up in Minneapolis!) then we’re not going to be the team for you, I’m afraid. If you’re still looking for pros to work with, that’s okay! But it does mean you might need to wait a tiny bit before you hire those tasks out.
My Team Is READY For Your Social Feeds…
If you ARE into working with a team of pros in Minneapolis who know their stuff, and are super ready to create badass content to bring in your clients, then… let’s talk! Whether you want your business’ social media to KEEP converting in less time, or START converting because you’ve been struggling… we’re here for you. So reach out, and we can chat about making your Instagram account work for you! But if you’re not ready yet, that’s okay too, and I promise there are no hard feelings. We’ll still be here when that changes!